20:33 Prayer
As CCO looks towards the Great Jubilee in 2033 – the 2000th Anniversary of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ – we sense the Lord’s invitation to activate multiplying leaders toward the fulfillment of Jesus’ Great Commission. 2033 and the years leading up to this moment will provide an explosion of grace and it will require a foundation of prayer.
CCO is joining in an international daily prayer campaign initiated by Global 2033 called 20:33 Prayer.
Every day across the world at 20:33 (8:33pm), we will unite in prayer together for the Great Commission. Simply set a daily alarm on your phone for 20:33 (8:33pm) in your local time zone.
When your alarm goes off, you can take a moment to simply pray: “Father, may your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven; come Holy Spirit”
Sign up here, for an opportunity to be emailed specific prayer intentions from time to time from CCO.
You could also download this prayer card and pray CCO’s Apostles Prayer.
Anticipating the Great Jubilee 2033, CCO’s 10 Year Vision is:
To Activate Multiplying Leaders Toward the Fulfillment of
Jesus’ Great Commission
CCO’s Apostles Prayer
Father, when you called Abraham, he responded, “Ready.”
When you called Isaiah, he answered, “Here I am Lord.”
When the angel Gabriel called out to Mary, she responded, “I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word.”
Jesus, I hear you calling my name. I hear you entrusting me with the task of building your kingdom. Like those holy men and women who have gone before me, I give you my ‘yes’!
I will go anywhere you want me to go.
I will do anything you want me to do.
I will say anything you want me to say.
Holy Spirit, I welcome you and ask you to guide me. Form in me an apostle’s heart filled with love for Christ and zeal for souls. I will commit myself with courage and generosity to the New Evangelization. I will build brick by brick the city of God inside the city of man.