How can your professional skills further the renewal of the world?
Though we are a movement primarily for university students, the professionalism, skill and experience of individuals already established in a career is a needed benefit, particularly in our National Headquarters in Ottawa.
Perhaps you are already working but looking to use your skill set for the Church. Maybe you are not experiencing the fulfillment you thought you would in your current career and are longing for purpose and meaning in your work. Perhaps you are retired from your career and are ready and able to give your time and talent in a mission setting. Regardless of what led you here, your unique work experience is needed to further the fulfillment of the Great Commission. There are many opportunities in our different departments, such as Finance, Development, Human Resources, Media, and Marketing.
Join a group of dynamic people working together to fulfill the Great Commission. Our headquarters is like a mission launch pad. The work we do here is vital to the success of our mission on university campuses and in parishes.
HQ Departments
Finance and Properties
Contribute to advancing the mission by ensuring the smooth functioning of all our financial and technological processes, including data security.
- Donations
- Accounting
- Payroll
- Information Technology
- Data security
- Web development
Stewardship and Development
Charitable organizations rely on the generosity of donors. Be part of a dynamic team that is vision-driven in stewarding and growing CCO’s financial resources in order to fulfill its mission.
- Development Officers
- Donor relations
- Missionary Support Raising coaching
- Database&Systems
Media & Marketing
Bring CCO’s thought leadership to the world through a variety of mediums as part of this exciting team.
- Marketing
- Graphic Design
- Social Media
- Video production
- Writing
- Copy editing
- Translation
Missions and Events
Coordinate exciting mission opportunities and run dynamic events that accelerate the activation of leaders for the renewal of the world.
- Catalyze and execute Internal Staff Events
- Catalyze and execute Large External Events
- Create and Coach Mission Teams
- Find and Investigate Mission Opportunities
- Organize and Coordinate Mission Projects
Human Resources
Bring your skills, experience, and professionalism into the work of caring for our missionary staff.
- Recruiting
- Hiring
- Staff Care
- Corporate Human Resources
- Policy
Assist in the activation of multiplying leaders for the fulfillment of the Great Commission through our world-class training programs.
- Online Platform management
- Learning Systems Manager
- Translation
- Editing
Our total benefits package
Compensation is so much more than just a salary. We believe a call to employment with CCO is a call to a missionary lifestyle. CCO’s total compensation package exists in order to allow our missionaries to fully embrace a call to the mission while thriving in leading whole, healthy, balanced lives. Our compensation package includes:
- Group RRSP with employer contribution
- Extended Health Plan for the employee and their immediate family
- Health Care Spending Account
- Taxable Benefits
- Vacation allotment
- Personal Retreat Days
- Paid sick days and compassionate care days
- Workers’ compensation boards’ benefits
Support Raising
Each CCO missionary has the privilege of completely relying on God’s providence. Our missionaries develop their own team of financial and prayer supporters who contribute directly to the funds for their salary. We call this Support Team Partnership Development or support raising.
Support raising may seem daunting. However, each of our over 100 missionaries, as well as our more than 30 years of CCO history, are living witnesses to the fact that it is possible.
CCO has an excellent support-raising training program that teaches you not only how to raise funds effectively but also instills the key attitudes and mindsets that drive our paradigm of living by providence. This training takes place after you have been hired, in preparation for you to begin your role in CCO, and includes weekly coaching sessions with a support-raising coach throughout your fundraising.
As a CCO missionary, our Support Team Partnership Development (STPD) is not a means to an end. It is an opportunity to take the gospel to other people. Every person you encounter will have an opportunity to hear the Lord’s message through your witness of relying on His providence and being abandoned to Him. We feel called to have every single person encounter Jesus in a personal way. Our mission field is not only on campuses and through our parish and diocesan coaching relationships, but also in every visit we have with a potential supporter.
As you make the leap into support raising, CCO wants to set you up for success. That is why we also have various bridge-funding options to make the transition as smooth as possible and tailored to your own situation and needs.
There are many legitimate reasons someone would choose not to apply for staff, and we work hard to ensure support raising isn’t one of them.
CCO is a recognized leader in organizational culture recognized in the Catholic sphere.