

If you glance through the six lessons of Discovery and their goals in the table of contents, you will notice that they present the “kerygma” (or the basic four-point Gospel message):


God is love and created us for relationship with him.


That relationship has been broken through sin.


Jesus exclusively restores that relationship through his death and resurrection.


We are all personally invited to accept this gift of salvation.

The reality today is that many Catholics need to be re-evangelized; to hear the Good News explained in a clear and simple way to which they can respond. Many of our participants first received the gift of salvation at their Baptism through the faith of their parents. They are invited to make that faith their own.

“Believing in Jesus Christ and in the One who sent him for our salvation is necessary for obtaining that salvation.”

CCC 161


  1. God’s Love
    God knows and loves us personally.
  2. Love’s Initiative
    The Father takes the initiative to reconcile our relationship with him.
  3. Jesus Christ — Our Lord
    Jesus of Nazareth is truly God.
  4. Jesus Christ — Our Saviour
    Jesus saves us from our sins through his passion, death and resurrection.
  5. Love is Offered
    We are invited to receive the gift of salvation and live a new relationship with God.
  6. A New Life
    We live our personal relationship with God both individually and communally.