My Story
As a young adult, I struggled with desiring to please others without regard for my own feelings or desires. When I encountered Jesus through the CCO missionaries and programming in university, all that changed. Even though I’d been Catholic my whole life, I met Jesus really for the first time. In this encounter, I felt seen, known, understood, and unconditionally loved. Jesus’ opinion then became the only one that mattered and I felt completely free to be myself. In a sense, I found myself when I committed my life to Christ.
My Mission
It is a joy to serve as a missionary with CCO! In my work, I have seen that people are hungry and searching for true purpose in their lives. Just like my own heart and the trajectory of my life changed drastically when I encountered Christ through CCO, I have seen this happen in many others’ lives too. It is an honour to accompany others into relationship with Jesus. The hidden gift in it all is that in serving the Lord in His mission, He is continuing to refine me and prepare me to be a saint with him forever in heaven.
Help Alana Make Jesus Known
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