My Story

For a short biography of Angèle on the About CCO page, click HERE.

For information on how you can book Angèle as a speaker, email

Angèle grew up in a strong Christian home and had a deep experience of God’s personal love as a Grade 12 student when she attended a youth conference. She had the privilege of being an active leader in interdenominational evangelical ministries such as InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and Campus Crusade for Christ. Through their formation and mission opportunities, her passion to serve the spreading of the Gospel was inflamed.

Angèle is the proud mother of 5 children, as well as 3 in-laws and therefore grandmother to 6 cutie pies. In 2019, the whole family was invited to speak at an international event at the Vatican because of their commitment to the new evangelization. The family together co-authored Brick by Brick giving witness to how André and Angèle raised their children to be missionary disciples. She also wrote Forgiveness is Key, a powerful and personal witness to the freedom found in forgiveness.

Angèle created CCO’s original Faith Study Series as well as The Ultimate Relationship (UR)— an evangelistic booklet which has been translated into over a dozen languages and has over a million copies in print. Besides being an author, Angèle is an inspiring and engaging speaker.

In 2018 Angèle led the team that brought the relic arm of St Francis Xavier across Canada. Angèle was interviewed hundreds of times locally, nationally and even internationally with such outlets as the Globe and Mail, the National Post, CTV, Global, CBC, and the BBC.

In 2015 André and Angèle were awarded the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Medal for distinguished service to the Church. This is the highest medal that can be awarded to laity by the Pope.

Angèle is passionate about Jesus, the Saints, the Great Commission, Ignatian spirituality, and her favourite colour, yellow.


We ask you to pray for us, that we will always and daily be protected from sin, error, and pride; that we would go, do, and say as God directs.

Help Angèle Make Jesus Known

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