My Story

I grew up in Ottawa, Ontario, in a big, loving Catholic family. But despite this beautiful upbringing, I believed I needed to earn God’s love. I felt my level of perfection determined my worth, but an encounter with the living God changed my life forever.

One day in adoration, I discovered that Jesus truly knew me. He saw my heart in all its weakness, brokenness, imperfection and sin, and yet He still loved me. At that moment, it was so clear: Jesus gazed upon me in love and He delighted in who I was. At that moment, I realized I wanted to live my whole life for Jesus.

I remain imperfect, but I am no longer a slave to restless striving and fear. Jesus is now the one who tells me who I am, and I remain grounded in the truth that my heart is fully known and loved by Him.

My Mission

In discerning a career, it came down to two options: I could continue in psychology (which was my undergrad degree) or I could become a missionary. I knew I desired to be part of the healing of hearts and the renewal of the world. But I realized that even more than learning how to administer therapy, I desired to introduce souls to Christ, the Divine Healer. I could not imagine a career and a future where I did not have the freedom to say the name of Jesus every day. God made it abundantly clear to me. The gospel was to be unveiled in my life.

I serve as a campus missionary. Every day, I have the privilege of serving in the place of greatest spiritual poverty, the university campus. Every day, I get to reach out to university students, to love them and journey with them back to Christ. Every day, I have the incomprehensible joy of witnessing souls encounter Jesus for the first time and come fully alive. And not only this, but I get to see these young people grow to become far greater leaders and missionaries than I will ever be. They will be the next world-changing saints, I am certain of it. There is no place I would rather be. This is the renewal of the world, and I am so blessed to be part of it.

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