My Story
Growing up, all the choices were made for me regarding faith. I felt like I was not mature or holy enough to choose Jesus and make my faith my own. It was like I knew a personal relationship with Jesus was available, but I felt unworthy. Because of this, Jesus felt off to me personally. This all changed on an Ash Wednesday when I was in my late teens. Like every year, my dad would encourage and motivate us to take Lent seriously and grow in holiness through daily prayer. On the way home from school that day, I was reflecting on my dad’s words, and I had the realization that Jesus was calling me to a personal relationship with Him. He wanted to meet me where I was at. So right then and there, I wholeheartedly chose to put Jesus at the center of my life and embark on the journey to know him personally. I was filled with wonder and awe. I was so excited to get to know Jesus. A very simple moment of decision set my life on a whole new track. From that moment on, my faith has become my own. I follow God not out of obligation but out of love for Him.
My Mission
When I graduated High school and went to University at the UofO, my faith came alive in a new way. I got involved with CCO and began leading faith studies on campus with my peers. My eyes were opened when I was leading a group and saw one of the participants have a conversion right before me. I saw that Jesus had used me to lead someone to Himself. Seeing a life change grew my heart for those who don’t know Jesus. I felt the Lord speaking that everyone needs to hear this and have the opportunity to respond. I saw the reality of young people leaving the Church, especially young men. I saw that they would not return to the Church without someone to lead them back. I thought that if Jesus could do that through me, leading just one faith study on campus while being a full-time student, how much more could He do if I gave my whole life as a missionary. I knew I wanted to follow him anywhere, and this was Him calling me to be a full-time CCO missionary.
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