My Story

Before encountering Jesus, I had a really comfortable life. I thought if I played it safe, life would be comfortable and easy. After a series of unfortunate events while in University, I lost all of that, and I began looking for something that could bring that comfort and stability to my life. A number of my friends pointed me in the direction of CCO, and through the Discovery Faith Study, I came to realize that my Catholic Faith had more to offer than I realized. Where I initially went looking for comfort and stability, I was introduced to Jesus. Through my relationships with CCO Missionaries and other students, my heart was opened to following Jesus, and in December 2013 at CCO’s Rise Up Conference, I invited Jesus to be at the Centre of my life. I told Him “I will go anywhere you want me to go, I will do anything you want me to do, I will say anything you want me to say”. After making this invitation, I came to learn Jesus gives so much more than comfort or stability. He gives life, and He gives it in abundance.


My Mission

All that matters to me is that Jesus be proclaimed, that people come to know and love Him. With CCO, I get to live this every day. In my role, I get to create unique opportunities for University Students to experience the joy of proclaiming Jesus clearly and simply, allowing their missionary hearts and skills to grow rapidly. Through these opportunities, we get to bring the Gospel nationally and internationally, we get to build up missionary disciples on the ground everywhere we go, and we get to start movements of multiplying missionaries all over the world. All of this, so that everyone can come to encounter Jesus and make a decision to invite Him into their lives. All of this, for the renewal of the world.


Help Cameron Make Jesus Known

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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.

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