My Story

A CCO faith study first challenged me to have a personal relationship with God. I remember hearing my faith study leader pray, and it was jarring—she spoke so freely and openly with God!

Shortly afterward, I encountered God’s mercy through the sacrament of confession. As I was writing a list of 25 things that I was grateful for, according to the priest’s direction, I realized how much God loved me personally. He blessed me with things He knew I loved and delighted in. That night, I chose to trust Him and live my life for Him.

My Mission

The Lord has helped me realize that evangelization is an incredible adventure. It brings me great joy to see university students on fire with love for Jesus and for sharing the Gospel.

My heart aches for those who have never had the chance to hear the Gospel or to know Jesus personally. How much more amazing their lives would be with Christ at the centre! Yet I know that God desires it more than I do. He can do great things with my small yes.

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