My Story
I’m an Ottawa boy and my parents still live in the house where I grew up in the West end. I have three younger brothers and a younger sister. I’m told it’s hilarious to have us all in the same room together as we have many of the same mannerisms and expressions.
I have two great kids and eight grandchildren who live in Alberta (making Calgary and Edmonton my default vacation spots). I’ve never been married, but I still feel marriage is my vocation.
I had an initial conversion in religion class in my last year of high school, but I got off-track spiritually during my university years. I eventually reconnected with my high school religion teacher and he connected me to a youth prayer group. That began a period of discipleship that rooted me in my faith. That’s also when I started to sense a call to evangelization. My primary experience of the Lord is his goodness. He is just SO good!
I’ve been involved in evangelization for over 30 years. I worked in full-time youth ministry at St. Mary’s parish in Ottawa in the 80’s. While I’m a computer programmer by trade and education, I have been more of a manager-type in the last several years. I’ve recently started with CCO (Aug 2016) and have always had a great reverence for its approach and abundant fruit. I’m asking God to make sure I don’t break anything. I’m the Programming VP. I’m here to support the programs we run on campus. While I have a long history with CCO, this is my first occasion to serve in an official capacity.
Being a total CCO newbie, I don’t have any cool stories yet… but it has been really fun telling friends and family about my dramatic career change. And, in the super-short period of time I’ve been with CCO, I’m learning to trust God more with my material needs :).
For wisdom.
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