My Story
From a young age, I was a total Church girl. But I needed more than just a spiritual high from the retreats and conferences I was attending. I was battling with shame and sin that was very dark to me; I desperately needed someone to save me. One night at church, I felt the weight of my sin as I looked up at Jesus on the cross. But instead of feeling shame, Jesus broke through the darkness and showed me that He was my Saviour. Jesus had died on the cross for ME. In that moment, I asked Him to save me, and He did!
From that moment on, I have desired many others to know Him and recognize Him as their Saviour. Eventually, I went to university and became involved with CCO. This led to many opportunities to share the Gospel and see others experience what I had. I became convicted that this was the best way to spend the rest of my life!
Help Claire Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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