My Story

Growing up, I knew Jesus was God and that He loved me, but the relationship was never personal. In my last year of high school, I became very anxious and depressed. I realized that the things I used to enjoy were not able to make me happy anymore. When I was at what seemed like my breaking point, I turned to God and begged him for help. In a moment, the Lord revealed to me that for a long time I had been believing the lie that my life was meant to be lonely, painful and unfulfilling. It was a total grace that God gave me to know that my entire life He never left my side and never will. This encounter with Jesus propelled me forward and I decided to take my faith seriously. Shortly after this I first encountered CCO through Ryerson Catholics. They invited me to take their faith studies and it was here where my relationship with the Lord really began to grow. I could really see the heart of Jesus through the CCO staff at Ryerson Catholics.


My Mission

I currently serve as a campus missionary at Trent University. I have the wonderful opportunity of walking with students personally on their journey towards Christ. The thing that brings me the most joy is when I see a student’s life transformed completely because of an encounter with the love and mercy of Jesus.

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