My Story
I grew up Catholic, but I walked away from my faith in my teens after experiencing the loss of my older brother and all the resulting anger and questions left behind. My adolescence was spent distant from God, but I ended up getting connected to CCO through a Catholic conference that my grandmother paid me money to go to when I was in my second year of university.Through CCO I slowly became more open to a relationship with Jesus, but I also held onto my worldly lifestyle. During Adoration at CCO’s Conference, Rise Up, in 2012 the Father asked me a piercing question, “Dennis, why are you ashamed of me”. Heartbroken, I turned back to him and the next day told Jesus, “I all in. Whatever you want me to do I’m yours.” Over a decade later, I am blessed to be a full-time missionary for CCO, living in Ottawa with my wife, Angele, and 4 wonderful children.
My Mission
I lead the team for Alumni and Platform. My career with CCO has been incredibly blessed, spending 5 years serving on campus (2 years at University of Saskatchewan and then expanding CCO to Concordia in Montreal with my wife, Angele, in 2016), as well as 4 years leading the team building CCO’s parish and diocesan coaching program. Now, I am leading the team developing the bridge between CCO’s work on campus and beyond campus. We’re building programming to support alumni and lay leaders to be lead those around them to Jesus.
The ministry of CCO in Montreal and all of Quebec. For my ever growing family.
Help Dennis Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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