My Story
Growing up, the foundation of my faith was weak, and as a result I turned away from God and became an atheist and remained as such throughout highschool. Once I began university, I was starting to become aware of something missing in my life. At this point, I was simply wandering through life without any purpose or joy. Once COVID hit, I entered a period in my life where I was searching for answers and meaning, and I eventually found my way to Christ and his Church. I then discovered CCO and through taking a faith study, had the opportunity to invite Jesus to be at the centre of my life. Since my “Yes”, my life has been filled with a joy that I never thought was possible.
My Mission
As I navigate through life and look at the world around me, it is evidently clear how far our society has fallen away from God. A relationship that we as humans were created to have, is missing in so many individuals I see on a daily basis. I know from personal experience how empty life is without knowing Jesus, so I greatly empathize with these young adults who are trying to find meaning in their lives. I believe the most important mission is to share the Good News of Jesus with these young adults, especially at such a critical point in their lives, so they can experience God’s unconditional love and find eternal joy.
Help Dylan Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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