My Story
I grew up knowing very little about who Jesus was in my life. As a teenager, I didn’t see the need for Him, but things changed very quickly when I entered my first year of university. I started realizing my need for a Saviour as my life started going down an empty path. At CCO’s annual conference, Rise Up, I was showered with God’s love and mercy through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It was this realization of God’s unfailing love that made me fall in love with the faith, and accept Jesus at the centre of my life. That was in my first year of university and my life continues to be transformed by His love.
My MissionI am currently serving as the Interim Director of Stewardship and Development. It brings me great joy to work with donors and inviting them into our mission of proclaiming Jesus. I love working and seeing how us missionaries are supported by donors who are praying for our mission.
Help Eloisa Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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