My Story
For a long time, I thought I had to do all the right things to be loved by God–or by anyone, for that matter. I was the teacher’s pet, and I thought that’s where my worth came from. But without the freedom of understanding God’s unconditional love or desire to be in a personal relationship with me, I started to look for love, acceptance and identity elsewhere. In university, I got involved with the party culture and started living a “double life”. I thought it was working out pretty well for a while because I was still doing the bare minimum to be a good Christian. But it all unraveled after one night at a party. I realized my need for Jesus, the Saviour I’d heard so much about from the people in CCO. His sacrifice on the Cross finally made sense to me because I realized I was in desperate need of His mercy, and He offers it to me even when I haven’t earned it. I went to confession and I never turned back. The rest of the story? Well, I fell in love!
My Mission
There’s nothing I’d rather do with my life than to reach souls with the message of salvation and to invite them into the mission of proclaiming this Gospel to the world. As a full-time missionary, I’m able to give of myself without limits of energy or time, and while that can be difficult, it also brings me so much joy to see lives transformed.
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