My Story
From a young age, faith had always been a part of my life. But it wasn’t until my last year of highschool where it really became personal. Throughout the pandemic in 2020, I encountered Jesus in a very real and personal way. He met me in the places of uncertainty and fear, the stresses that were consuming my life and He set me free. After encountering the depth of Jesus’s love for me, I knew there was nothing else I could do than give my whole life to Him!
A year later, I met CCO on my university campus and participated in a summer mission. This mission trip changed my life. I realized for the first time that the world is in desperate need of a Saviour. My heart was set ablaze; a desire burning within me for the lost souls to come to know Jesus. I found my identity as a missionary disciple, I found purpose in Jesus and His mission, I found life and freedom.
My Mission
The world is in need of a revival. Builders are needed to build the city of God inside the city of man. As I became more and more integrated with CCO, I was convicted of how God is working through CCO to reach the world. My heart, and so many other people’s hearts, have been forever changed through the mission of CCO and I desire to be a part of that. How could I not respond to this deep call of my heart to give my life for the renewal of the world? I had to say yes.
There is nothing else I would rather do than the mission. As a campus missionary, I get to journey with university students as they encounter Jesus for the first time, as they continue to grow deeper in relationship with Him, and as they become leaders for the renewal of the world. It is my greatest joy to accompany students on campus and watch them be welcomed home by the Father.
Help Felicity Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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