My Story
Christianity was something that my parents did and I just came along. I was born into a Catholic home, my parents would drag me to church on Sundays and that was my relationship with Christ during high school. When I finished high school and went to the University of Ottawa, which is eight hours away from my parents. During my first year of university, I went to Mass but quickly realized that I wasn’t living with my parents anymore, so I didn’t have to go to Mass so I stopped going. From then on I didn’t have a relationship with God or anything to do with the Church. I didn’t know the effects that this would have on me. I began to feel empty, to feel alone, even though I was surrounded by friends and people that loved me.
I decided to give God a second chance and asked for his help as I felt that life was slipping out of my hands. He responded when I needed Him the most. One day I met a CCO missionary that would help me take a step closer to God. He showed me a small booklet that explained the heart of the catholic faith—the Gospel message—and asked me the biggest question someone has ever asked me: “Do you want to invite God to be at the Center of your life?” I said yes but I didn’t know what would happen afterwards. This invitation was my first full-hearted yes, not based on my parents but my own. I remember it was a Tuesday at 2:30, and I will always remember that day. It changed everything.
I began to live my life for God and I was so on fire and in love with him that I wanted to share it with everyone. I came back to London after my fourth year of university and wanted to share the good news with everyone. I began at my old parish. I really didn’t know what was going to happen when I said yes to God. This past summer I went on a mission called True North Toronto where God began to move my heart for the lost. I continuously said yes to the Lord in mission and he showed me what great things he can do. As mission was coming to a close I could see myself doing mission for longer and so I said yes to the invitation by God to be a CCO missionary.
This January, I will be starting as a CCO Headstart Campus Missionary sharing the Gospel with university students. I am excited to see hearts transformed by God and to build leaders for the renewal of the world. I hope and pray that the students that I encounter can have the same experience of God’s love as I did when I was a student.
Please pray for all the students that I will encounter, that they may see Jesus and not me. That God may open their hearts so that they may open to him. Pray for the team I will be placed on. Finally, pray for me that I may continue to say yes to the Lord and that I may be open to his will.
Help Fredy Make Jesus Known
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