My Story
As I was nearing the end of high school and found that the weight of traumatic childhood experiences – sexual abuse among other things – was too difficult to bear, I started to sink more and more into despair and anger. I started to wonder, “How could a good God let so much hurt happen to me?” and it led to me trying to distance myself from Him as I entered university. It wasn’t until I hit a spiritual, emotional, and physical “rock bottom” a couple of months into my first year of university that I finally turned to the Catholic community on campus that I had been avoiding since I had arrived. I eventually signed up to take Discovery, CCO’s introductory faith study, where I was given the opportunity to invite Jesus to be at the centre of my life, which I accepted right then and there. I realized in that moment that God had never abandoned me, that He was politely and patiently waiting for me to say “yes” to Him, and that He had marvellous plans for my life not only in spite of, but also because of, my brokenness. I realized that Jesus actually wanted to carry the burden of that brokenness with me. I walked away from that decision as a completely changed woman and decided to commit my life to Jesus and to His Church.
My Mission
I have known from the time that I took Discovery – now, over 6 years ago – that God has wanted me for this work. I desire to, in humble cooperation with the Holy Spirit, bring many souls, many saints, to God. I have come to see that, through my work as a missionary and despite any challenges, I want to continue to give Him great glory and joy, knowing that He will continue His sanctifying work in me. As a campus missionary, I get to proclaim the message of the Gospel clearly and simply to university students and invite them to respond to Jesus’ invitation much like I did. I see so much brokenness and emptiness in the world and especially in young people, and I am ready to do everything that I can to bring them to the only One – Jesus Christ – who can heal all of it, and the Church that He founded.
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