My Story

I encountered Jesus in my first year of university. I had my future mapped out in my mind: finish my degree, become a doctor, get married, have children, and be good along the way so I will eventually get to Heaven. Through the truths in the Discovery faith study, Jesus broke through my fears and anxieties about the future and showed me that He had a good plan for me and that He had already made the way to Heaven: Himself. I decided to no longer live my life for myself but for Him. Upon finishing my degree, I felt a deep call to give my whole life to the Great Commission, and have found incredible joy and peace in serving as a CCO missionary.


My Mission

Currently I have the privilege of serving in Human Resources, in Staff Care and Corporate HR. I am particularly excited about taking care of our staff through accompaniment. My heart is to see each of our staff accompanied well, and taken care of, so that our missionaries are whole, healthy, and at their best in proclaiming Jesus!

Help Jackie Make Jesus Known

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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.

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