My Story
I’m married to the love of my life, Kelly! We both work for CCO and love being a missionary family along with our children. I’m from the West coast where I have an incredible brother and sister-in-law, and their children whom we love a lot!
Growing up, faith was not a part of our life – I was not raised going to any Church, talking about faith or religion, and I had never thought about it. University was the first time I was presented with the Truth of Christianity, and it was through a friend involved in CCO. This good friend invited me to join a CCO Discovery study where I learned the fundamentals of who is Jesus, why we need him, and how to enter into a relationship with Him and his Church. Hearing these truths, I chose to invite Jesus to be the centre and foundation of my life, a decision which changed my life irrevocably!
From there, I further explored the Catholic Church, coming to see that all the teachings of the Church were life-giving and brought freedom. This drew me to enter RCIA and to join the Catholic Church.
Working for CCO since 2004, I have had the privilege of serving in many roles – campus intern, mens’ ministry, campus team leader, executive assistant to the president, Financial Controller, Director of Finance, and now currently as the Vice-President of Programming Support and Administration.
There are hundreds of moments I could share as highlights – by far the biggest highlight is seeing the lives of university students changed as they encounter the freeing truth of the Gospel of Jesus. It is amazing to see a student’s life changed for the better, and then watch them graduate and go on to be strong Catholic leaders in their workplace, in their families, and in the Church.
The ongoing ministry of support raising has been a witness over the past 10+ years to many people around me highlighting God’s faithfulness, His provision, and the commitment we have to being a missionary family. It causes people to ask, “What is this all about?” since it’s such a different job and way to raise my salary and live my life.
Working for CCO is like being in a greenhouse for growth! Both Kelly & I have grown spiritually, and in leadership, through the example and coaching of those who have mentored us, and the resources they’ve shared with us. In CCO, we are surrounded by great people, both in leadership and spirituality. They’ve taught me the importance of great discernment, interdependence, perseverance, true team work, working through others’ “giftedness”, and challenging me to become all that God has created me to be.
That Kelly and I continually seek God’s will for our lives and continually respond to the adventure of service. And, for our family- their health and their relationship with God.
Help Jeremy Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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