My Story
I grew up in a loosely Christian household, and when I was halfway done with my university degree, I started to feel like something was missing. I grew curious about Jesus and found CCO in my fourth year, where I began taking faith studies and understanding the gospel in a clear and simple way. At the first retreat I attended in Spring 2023, Jesus clearly spoke to me that His love for me was insurmountable, and more than anyone else could ever love me. At that retreat, I made the decision to invite Jesus to be at the centre of my life and I entered the Catholic Church in Easter 2023.
My Mission
Jesus called me to live a radical life as a CCO missionary at their national conference, Rise Up, in 2023. The Lord made a way for me to proclaim the gospel to university students, just as I was reached. It is an absolute privilege to witness the lives of students being changed by having a personal relationship with Jesus. I am blessed to serve Christ and His Church through full-time ministry at Memorial University of Newfoundland, as I’ve been on the other side, and my heart breaks for the lost.
Help Maren Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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