My Story

Until May 2017, I hadn’t fully realized or encountered the depth of God’s love and his desire for a personal relationship with me. This changed in a moment when at the Diocesan Youth Conference in Victoria B.C., during a time of prayer, I opened my heart to God and let him into every part of my life in a way I had never done before. The encounter with God’s love and mercy that day inspired within me a deep desire to live a Christ-centered life, to grow in my faith and above all else, to love God who first loved me. A few months later I met CCO at the University of Victoria, and through the accompaniment of missionaries, the welcoming community, and the witness of faith in young university students, my faith was nourished and I grew in confidence to share the faith with others. As I grew as a student leader with CCO on campus, despite my fears of talking to others about faith and engaging in the mission, time and time again my ‘yes’ to God resulted in me experiencing incredible joy and fullness of life.


My Mission

As a Campus Missionary Intern, I have the incredible privilege and joy of leading and accompanying students in their faith so that they may know the love God has for them. The university campus is full of young adults from various backgrounds who are searching for truth and fulfillment, who need to have Christ proclaimed to them and be offered an invitation into a relationship with Jesus, which changes lives. As a missionary, I have been called to serve Christ and His Church specifically on the mission field of the campus, where there truly is a plentiful harvest of souls who God loves and who God is drawing to himself through the work of CCO. Please pray for these students, for all CCO missionaries, and for my ministry with CCO at Dalhousie.

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