My Story
When I entered university at Simon Fraser University, I knew I believed in God, but I wouldn’t have believed that He knew me. I figured I was just part of the great herd of humanity, but I didn’t think God would know my name. But while attending a CCO retreat near Squamish, BC, I participated in Eucharistic Adoration for the first time. That evening I encountered God personally as I never had before. I realized that He did indeed know me, and that He loved me personally. After that encounter, my life has never been the same.
My Mission
My missionary career with CCO has afforded me many different opportunities to serve in the mission. Currently, my role is primarily to teach, train, and write. I am charged with communicating the hard-earned wisdom and insight that the Lord has granted to CCO missionaries since our founding, both for the benefit of our staff and to share with the Church at large as CCO contributes to the conversation about how we can bring the Gospel to the world in the 21st Century.
Help Michael Make Jesus Known
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