My Story

When I entered University, CCO helped me discover my Catholic faith in a deeper way. Through the lens of a relationship with Jesus. Choosing to say yes to a relationship with Jesus changed my life. My faith was no longer about the “to-do’s”, checking boxes, or even about being the “perfect Catholic”. It transformed into being all about a personal, intimate, and life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ. 

My Mission

In 2012, I joined CCO staff. I’ve served for 12 years as a campus missionary: (2 years) Queen’s University, (5 years) University of Calgary, (5 years) University of Winnipeg. On May 1st, 2024 – I was called to serve at the National CCO HQ Office. I now serve in the Human Resources Department on the Recruitment and Talent Management Team. I see how in this role, I’m able to do my part in fulfilling the great commission: To send out missionaries for the renewal of the world and also, working in the office, I feel called to pray and intercede for the world.

Help Minerva Make Jesus Known

While Catholic Christian Outreach seeks to honour the expressed preference of each gift, I acknowledge that my gift is a gift to the ministry of Catholic Christian Outreach and will be used by Catholic Christian Outreach in a manner that it believes will best advance its charitable purposes. If my preference changes, it is my responsibility to inform Catholic Christian Outreach.

CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.

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