My Story

I came to know Jesus personally through my university chaplaincy in the UK. It was the first time I’d ever met people my age who genuinely loved their faith. They helped me discover a relationship with God through Adoration, Confession, and Scripture. I then met CCO during a study abroad year. A CCO missionary sat next to me at Mass, introduced themselves, and then introduced me to the community. I fell in love with the way CCO intentionally reaches out to people and accompanies individuals towards a relationship with Jesus and His Church.

My Mission

I serve at the University of Ottawa, leading my team, reaching out to students and accompanying them in their journey of faith. It is the greatest joy and privilege to see lives change in front of my eyes because of a proclamation of the gospel, an encounter with Jesus. I see my own story in so many of students’ lives. I know the amazing adventure that awaits them. I know the difference it makes having someone to help you along the way. I cannot wait to see what new things God will do this year on campus.

Help Miriam Make Jesus Known

While Catholic Christian Outreach seeks to honour the expressed preference of each gift, I acknowledge that my gift is a gift to the ministry of Catholic Christian Outreach and will be used by Catholic Christian Outreach in a manner that it believes will best advance its charitable purposes. If my preference changes, it is my responsibility to inform Catholic Christian Outreach.

CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.

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