My Story
I was born into the Catholic faith but I treated Christ to be a distant being. CCO’s first faith study, Discovery, has introduced me to the idea that entering into a relationship with Christ is not based on the performance of ourselves. But rather we let our YES to this relationship transform us. It was when I was leading Discovery for the first time where the Holy Spirit led me to lead others to Christ. By my participants saying yes, it moved me to take this relationship with Christ seriously.
My Mission
I love embarking in the missionary role, as I get to help grow the kingdom of God. This job is extremely important because Jesus calls us to be fishers of men and help find the lost. I believe living with Christ is the most beautiful gift someone can receive as it is everything. Jesus is the source to our life, so to bring people to Him and see their lives change by Him is amazing.
Help Niroshan Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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