My Story
After moving away from home to study at Carleton University I had to make my own decisions regarding my faith. I would do all the “Catholic things” but I would always feel like I had to do more to feel closer to Jesus, and so I went on mission in the summer of 2020. There we were given the task of writing our own testimonies. As I was writing it, I quickly started to realize I didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. I was disappointed and confused. I thought I had done all the right things, and so during prayer, I asked Jesus to show me what was keeping me away from him. I believed that there was a hurting part of my heart that He didn’t want to see. That day, He showed me that He did want to see the real me, even that part of me that was hurting and broken. He knows me, the real me. On June 18, 2020, I invited him to be at the centre of my life. I felt engulfed by the love of Jesus. I now have a personal relationship with Jesus. My prayers are conversations. I don’t have to and I don’t want to hide anything. I am healed and loved.
My Mission
I want others to experience the joy and freedom that living a life with Jesus at the centre brings. While leading faith studies on campus as a student at Carleton University, I was able to see Jesus encounter others first-hand, their lives being changed, and now I get to do so full-time at Memorial University in St. John’s, Newfoundland. It is truly the greatest gift of all time.
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