My Story

At a summer camp with a focus on growing young Catholic leaders, I was thrust into a leadership position that I did not feel ready for. By God’s grace, I recognized the opportunity to begin living in some small way like the saints I looked up to. To get off the sidelines and into the game. I prayed the most heartfelt prayer of my life to that point: “God, You got me into this, You’re going to have to get me through it.” That day, I began living a life with Jesus at the centre, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and nothing has been the same since.

Fast forward a few years, and as a first-year university student I encountered CCO. I was floored by how simple sharing the faith could be. I saw the power of the Gospel in action as my academically rigorous friend came to the faith in my third year. Jesus arranged numerous “coincidences” and it became clear that He was calling me to this ministry.

My Mission

I served for six years as a campus missionary, two years in ministry training, and since 2018 as director of 4 different departments for CCO. I’ve seen Jesus change hearts in so many ways. He’s grown me into a leader who empowers others to make their unique contribution to the renewal of the world.

As the Director of Program Support, the adventure continues as I get to help extend the reach of the Gospel through impactful missions, life-changing events, and beautiful and effective media and marketing efforts. With my team, we are making Jesus known and loved around the world, and empowering others to do the same.

Help Ian Make Jesus Known

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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.

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