Lord, when you called Abraham, he responded, “Ready”
When you called Isaiah, he answered, “Here I am Lord.”
When the angel Gabriel called out to Mary, she responded,
“I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your word.”
Lord, I hear you calling my name.
I hear you entrusting me with the task of building your kingdom.
Like those holy men and women who have gone before me, I give you my ‘yes’!
I will go anywhere you want me to go.
I will do anything you want me to do.
I will say anything you want me to say.
Holy Spirit I welcome you and ask you to guide me.
Form in me an apostle’s heart filled with love for Christ and zeal for souls.
I will commit myself with courage and generosity to the New Evangelization.
I will build brick-by-brick, the city of God inside the city of man.
Father in heaven and Lord of all,
establish your sovereignty on the university campuses of the world.
Draw young men and women into a relationship with your Son, Jesus,
and direct their ways by the power of your Holy Spirit.
Call them to a deeper service and love of your holy Catholic Church.
Guide and protect the ways of your labourers in the harvest on all campuses.
May these witnesses continue to reach out and transform
—by your power—the lives of students on campus.
We ask this in your holy Name.