My Story
Throughout my life, Jesus has always been there. Even from a young age, being raised in a Catholic family allowed me to learn about Jesus and who he was. But it wasn’t until my final year of high school when I finally invited Jesus to be my everything. The last few months of Grade 12, were a whirlwind of emotion, fear and uncertainty. So many things in my life were changing and I was trying so desperately to control everything by myself, to carry everything on my own.
One day at mass, I cried out to Jesus in my weakness and littleness. I needed a Saviour. In that moment, I felt the love and peace of Jesus in a real and personal way. I suddenly realised that Jesus is in control of all things, he sees me and he loves me. All I needed to do was let go and trust him.
I joined CCO that fall, and went on a CCO mission in Ottawa the next summer. Throughout the mission, I discovered purpose and joy by realising that Jesus is calling me to participate in his mission. It was during that mission, when I fully surrendered to Jesus and gave him my ‘yes’, accepting my identity as a missionary disciple.
My Mission
Throughout university, I have lived and seen how the Lord uses CCO to bring people to himself. I found this desire in my heart that the Lord has put there from the start: this desire to be a missionary, to spend my life building up brick by brick God’s Kingdom and to do that through CCO. Discerning the Lord’s timing, He showed me the urgency of the mission: there are souls out there that need to know Him… who will go? I knew I had to respond to His call.
It is the greatest gift to now be serving as a full-time campus missionary. I get to wake up everyday knowing that the lives of students will be changed through encountering Jesus. I get to see the Holy Spirit moving in a million different ways. I get to see the renewal of the world unfolding. What an absolute joy to be a part of it!
Help Abigail Make Jesus Known
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