My Story
For a short biography of André on the Founders Page, click HERE.
For information on how you can book André as a speaker, email
To find out more about having him give an Encounter Parish Retreat, click HERE.
Our home is very busy and loud — and never boring. We enjoy spending time with our five kids: Janna (the youngest), Natalie, Caleb, Joel, and Mylène (who is married to Marc Moreau).
My conversion, can be summed up in the words of Jesus in the Gospel of John, “You did not choose me but I chose you.” – John 15:16. Back in 1982, I was not in great search of God but, as I discovered when “choosing” to go to Sunday Mass (which I had not been doing for over a year), God was apparently in search of me. I did not do or say anything out of the ordinary. The only thing I did that I can take any credit for is my decision to go to Mass with an open heart. That open heart was filled to overflowing with the presence of the Holy Spirit and the life of Christ. I literally was shaking from head to toe, as I stood before the altar at Mass. I will never forget that moment. My heart, my life was changed forever that day as I personally encountered the living God.
While at university, even though I was busy studying and wrestling on the varsity team, I was looking for Christian fellowship. I met many wonderful, zealous, authentic young people from Evangelical churches and campus clubs. I wished that those same opportunities to grow in faith were available in a Catholic context. This experience was another inspiration to start CCO.
Life in CCO
I am a Co-founder of CCO with my wife, Angèle. So far, what I am enjoying in my role as Founder, is working with fantastic people. I enjoy the energy and drive of the team to be more effective, creative, and far-reaching to bring the message of Jesus to each and every student.
One great story that comes to mind is a young man who came with CCO to World Youth Day during the Jubilee year. He had no experience with us, but heard about our group through a bulletin announcement. After WYD, a small group of us decided to stay in Italy and make a pilgrimage to Assisi. I spent the day talking with this young man about his faith as we walked through this beautiful and holy place. The moment when we prayed together and he made an adult decision to surrender this life to Christ there in the streets of Assisi will always be a ministry highlight. It’s not just a highlight because of the epic setting, but because of what unfolded. In the years that followed, I witnessed him become an active evangelizer on his campus, graduate from seminary with a licentiate in the new evangelization, and go on to launch a ministry training parishes to be effective in the new evangelization, which he does as a full-time layperson. It’s an incredible story!
I have learned and been reaffirmed in the importance of a clear proclamation of the Gospel message which consequently gives people an opportunity to respond to Christ’s invitation.
We ask you to pray for us that we will always and daily be protected from sin, error, and pride; that we would go, do, and say as God directs.
To check out or purchase one of André’s books, click one of the covers below:
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