My Story
Throughout my childhood and adolescence, I felt an aching emptiness and longed for more; I craved an abundant joy and fullness of life. Through consistent prayer in high school, I discovered that I could have a personal relationship with Jesus. Not only did this relationship fulfill my desires, but it filled me with the same joy I craved for so long! Since that point, I have felt God asking me to share with others the joy and life I have found through being close to Him.
When I encountered CCO at a Rise Up conference in 2019, I was drawn to how they clearly communicated and encouraged others to share the heart of the Catholic faith… And I wanted to be a part of it!
My Mission
I have been a missionary in Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand for the past four years, sharing the gospel with students who struggled with the same doubts and emptiness that plagued my life. I am excited to now have the opportunity to share the truth about Catholicism with CCO in my home nation of Canada, particularly at St. Mary’s University in Halifax.
God did not create us to live boring, monotonous lives, but to live the adventure of life to the full!
Help Annika Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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