My Story
Hi! Thank you for your interest in my ministry!
I want to share with you a little bit about my faith journey:
I was born and raised in El Salvador, and grew up in a Catholic family with my two parents Norma and Jaime and my older brother. I attended Catholic school where I received religious formation every day. Since I thought I knew many things about the faith and the Bible, my relationship with God was based on knowledge. I thought I knew about the Holy Spirit, but never experienced Him in my heart. When I was 15 my family experienced different kinds of adversity, and I could not help but just to feel angry at God and at the circumstances. My faith was shaped by my situation. I dealt with depression and anxiety problems that influenced my relationships, and even caused me physical health conditions.
In 2016 I attended a retreat for young women where I was invited to open my heart to God and surrender my struggles. By doing so, this moment completely changed my life! God reminded me that He has been walking with me, and that He has exciting plans for my present and future. After putting Christ at the centre of my life, adversity did not disappear, but my fear did. By myself I was weak, but with God I have true joy, true strength and peace. I can tell you now that I love my family and the people in my life with a heart that God has shaped.
Moving to Montreal, Canada in 2017 to study design at Concordia University was a wonderful adventure. I was nervous and feeling alone being away from my family, but It was an extremely amazing gift that through CCO I found a community that has helped me grow in my relationship with Jesus, and helped me love more purely the those around me. I understand now some of the pieces of God´s work in my life. He has breathed new life in me, and even in difficult circumstances, even in sadness there is great HOPE.
As a student I was challenged by a CCO missionary to live the fullness of my Catholic faith, and I can’t emphasize enough the IMMENSE joy that I found when offering my youth to Christ. I can’t wait to bring others to Jesus. To tell other students suffering from any kinds of adversity that there is someone, The One, merciful and graceful, who wants to love us, heal us and make us new.
I am SO excited to be working as a missionary and designer in the Media Team. I am looking forward to sanctify my work and to bring my gifts to the service of others, for the greatest Glory of God!
Let’s pray for all students and young adults around the world suffering from mental health, that they find refuge in the Lord.
Also for my country El Salvador, for all the workers and vulnerable people there.
Oremos por todos los estudiantes y adultos jóvenes alrededor del mundo sufriendo de una situación de salud mental, para que puedan encontrar su refugio en Dios. También por mi país El Salvador, por todos los trabajadores y las personas vulnerables.
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