My Story

CCO has had a huge impact on my own journey to Christ and my growth as a leader for the mission of the Catholic Church. I was raised in the Catholic faith, so I had always known of God, but I did not know God personally until my second year of university. During that year, I was attending a retreat hosted by CCO, where I came to recognize Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Since then, other young Catholics in the CCO community encouraged me and taught me how to share my faith with others. Through God’s grace, I have seen and journeyed with many others who have come to know Christ and embrace their own missionary identity.

My Mission

I serve as a CCO campus missionary at Memorial University of Newfoundland. I get to journey with university students to Christ and to become leaders for the renewal of the world. Nothing else brings me more joy than to see other young people walk back to the church or discover faith for the first time!

Help Bernadette Make Jesus Known

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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.

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