My Story

I am a campus missionary serving in Vancouver, BC with my husband, Christopher and our two children, Jordan and Elizabeth.

My faith has always been something chosen for me from day one, and that was completely fine with me. I was simply “going-through-the-motions” of being a Catholic, never really questioning my faith. It wasn’t until the Spring of 2012, when I found myself in CCO’s Discovery Faith Study, that I was completely blown away by how simple and real the Catholic faith is. Although I had heard a lot of what we went over, for the first time in my life, I felt this burning desire to learn more about my faith and develop a real relationship with Jesus. It was on Impact, a CCO Summer mission, that I realized I no longer wanted my faith chosen for me, but I wanted to choose it for myself, once and for all.

Jesus is my Saviour and my best friend. My relationship isn’t perfect, but by the grace of God, I get back up when I fall down. I take comfort in knowing that He continues to pursue me, which makes me fall even more in love with Him everyday.

I am currently in my 5th year with CCO as a campus missionary beginning my career at Simon Fraser University and now working part-time alongside my husband, Chris at my alma mater, the University of British Columbia (UBC).

My primary focus is working with our student missionaries, meeting with them weekly to help equip them with the tools necessary to live out their missionary identity as well as learn how to intentionally accompany their peers towards a closer relationship with Jesus or begin one for the very first time!
I am so excited to continue to serve at the front lines of ministry and be part of something that God will use to change lives, especially those of young people, ultimately strengthening the Church. Our CCO Discovery faith study has had such a great impact on the lives of many of my friends and peers. Whether it be a journey of rediscovery or meeting Jesus for the first time, lives are being changed by the Gospel.

God continues to equip me and draws me closer to Him with each student missionary I am privileged to intentionally accompany. I am truly encouraged after each of our meetings and challenged daily to go deeper in my own relationship with Jesus.

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