My Story

Being born into Catholic Family, I was raised with Catholic morals and values. However, I treated faith as a tradition and I lacked a personal relationship with the Lord. As I was nearing the end of high school, I was getting farther and farther from God. I know I was searching for happiness through material things and shallow relationships. I was not happy but I did not know how or where to find happiness. It wasn’t until I found myself at a retreat, at the foot of the Blessed Sacrament where I encountered Christ. I was overwhelmed with joy and happiness. I realized that everything I was looking for was in Jesus. Through finding CCO at Carleton University and learning from the Discovery faith study, I was invited to respond to this encounter of love and invite Jesus to be at the centre of my life. Fast forward a few years, I continuously seek Christ to guide my life, giving my “Yes” to the Lord, even in times of darkness or fear for I know He has the best plan for me. I know I have been entrusted to share His Good News.


My Mission

As a campus missionary, I will have the blessing and pleasure to be able to build into the leaders of tomorrow and bear witness to the Lord’s work as He changes the world one life at a time. I am beyond delighted to be working in the Catholic community at Trent University and I know that by working together with students and with God’s grace, He will accomplish amazing things. There is no better feeling than to be serving the Lord and encouraging students to invite Jesus to be at the centre of their lives.

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