My Story

I started University in a new city, with my family hours away. I envisioned that checking off my goals, would grant me joy, and lead to success. But it was exhausting and lonely. After taking CCO’s discovery study, I understood that the whole “faith thing” was more than just going to Church and being a “good person”. I realized that Jesus completes every joy we ache for. But it was only True when I was open to a friendship with Him.

My Mission

Through journeying with my friends on campus, I’ve witnessed the shift of radical joy when they allow His love into their lives. I would have never imagined that it would be the highlight of my university experience!
But this is only the beginning, because He is calling us right now on this mission with CCO. To invite each person into a joy that cannot be found in creating our own successes. And as crazy as it may seem, Jesus is choosing to work through me in the Christine way I know best. “How are they to hear without someone to proclaim him ?“ (Romans 10:14)

Help Christine Make Jesus Known

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