My Story
If I had it my way, no one would know any of my weaknesses. Yet, on July 16th, 2016 Jesus cut through all my ‘perfect masks’ to show me what I really was – insecure and wanting to be loved. He saw all my shortcomings, and still loved me. That day, I was invited by a Catholic speaker to consider inviting Jesus to be at the center of my life, and it was an easy yes. I started slowly changing things in my life to direct them around Jesus and in small steps, I became aware that it was in my relationship with Jesus that I felt most secure and loved. When I met CCO as a second-year student at The University of Guelph, I was instantly attracted. What I noticed later was that it was their clear and simple invitation to the person of Jesus that I was attracted to – the same invitation that changed my life.
My Mission
Student’s will often hear me saying, “I love my job!” I love it because every day I see how a simple invitation to invite Jesus to be the center of their life can change everything. In our confusing world, I’ve heard countless times, “this is what I’ve been missing!” University student’s are missing Jesus, and I somehow get to be the one who introduces them to Him.
Help Ellen Make Jesus Known
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