My Story

I was raised cradle Catholic, and first had a personal encounter with Jesus when I was in high school. But when I began university at Western University my faith became harder to keep a hold of, a sort of one foot in one foot out relationship. But in 2018 I made the decision to put Jesus at the centre of my life, after being confronted with my own mortality. The following year I attended Rise Up Toronto where I first met CCO. A seed was planted at that time to become a staff member and I decided to attend school at UOttawa where I got to see the impact and heart of CCOs mission.

My Mission

My mission is informed by my experience as a student, had their been a vibrant ministry on my campus when I was at Western I would have had the opportunity to put Jesus at the center of my life that much sooner. I’ve also been fortunate to witness the fruits of CCOs campus ministry on my life and those around me. Part of that was the impact of missions. Seeing how alive and ready to serve people were after going on mission was inspiring.
As part of my mission I work out of our HQ office in Ottawa, the gift of this location is that students from the two Ottawa campuses often come to the office to visit or work. As a student it was a blessing to have the HQ missionaries presence and many ministered to me. As part of my ministry, I hope to do as those have done for me. Making myself available and seeking out the opportunities to serve.
As a MissionsTteam Member, I will be accompanying students and encouraging them to give their Yes to going on mission. With the great expectation that the mission will awaken their hearts for the lost and the renewal of the world.

Thank you for your financial support and continue to pray for my mission and the greater mission of CCO.

Help Emily Make Jesus Known

While Catholic Christian Outreach seeks to honour the expressed preference of each gift, I acknowledge that my gift is a gift to the ministry of Catholic Christian Outreach and will be used by Catholic Christian Outreach in a manner that it believes will best advance its charitable purposes. If my preference changes, it is my responsibility to inform Catholic Christian Outreach.

CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.

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