My Story

I grew up Catholic and first encountered the Lord in Adoration at a youth conference in Ohio during high school. I fell away from the Church in my years after high school and decided that I would obtain a nursing degree from Trent University. I had no idea what God had in store for me in Peterborough! In my second year, I started getting involved with the Catholic Club on campus. CCO expanded to Trent University a year later, and I continued taking their faith studies that I had started the year before. In November 2018, in a night of prayer, I put Jesus at the centre of my life. I was supported in my faith by friends who challenged me to continue growing in my relationship with God by leading faith studies and going on a mission trip. During Adoration in July of 2019, God placed an image on my heart. It was of me on my deathbed after I had been working as a nurse for just a year and said to me, “Have you done what I asked?” I knew then in my heart that God’s plan for me wasn’t to be a nurse but to be a missionary.


My Mission

As Campus Team Leader, it is my job to build a multiplying movement at Trent University, working through my teammates and student leaders to reach those who do not know Jesus or do not know Him well enough. It is an absolute joy being able to proclaim the Gospel clearly and simply to others and witness their lives be transformed by the King of Kings Himself! The renewal of the world is happening, and we get to be a part of it.

Help Erika Make Jesus Known

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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.

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