My Story

I was raised Catholic, but I turned away from my faith in university. A friend then invited me to CCO’s annual national conference called Rise Up, where I encountered Jesus for the first time in Eucharistic Adoration and put him at the center of my life. Feeling called to go on a CCO mission in the summer of 2016, I soon saw the joy and abandonment of living life as a missionary and knew that the Lord had put the desire for the ‘lost’ on my heart. I realized I needed to do more than a single mission project to reach out to those who do not yet know Jesus personally.

My Mission

Working as the HR Assistant on the Staff Care & Corporate HR team, I have the privilege of caring for our staff as they work in their mission fields. I love that I get to work behind the scenes of our movement to support our missionaries as they navigate the front lines of proclaiming Jesus simply and clearly! The movement and the Church needs those who are able to do the administrative work of hiring people, doing the paperwork, sending the emails, filing, and caring for our people in order to free up others to proclaim Jesus on a daily basis. I am happy to be a part of that work!

Please pray for my family: that they continually grow in their faith.

Please pray for my ministry with CCO: that we are fruitful and follow God’s will for the movement.

Please pray for future students: that God goes before us and prepares their hearts to receive Him through their encounters with CCO.

Please pray for the supporters of CCO: that they continue to strive to bring God’s kingdom to the world.

Help Fadwa Make Jesus Known

While Catholic Christian Outreach seeks to honour the expressed preference of each gift, I acknowledge that my gift is a gift to the ministry of Catholic Christian Outreach and will be used by Catholic Christian Outreach in a manner that it believes will best advance its charitable purposes. If my preference changes, it is my responsibility to inform Catholic Christian Outreach.

CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.

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