My Story
Looking back, I realize now that Jesus had always been someone I knew in my head but not truly in my heart. It wasn’t until I discovered CCO and took my first Faith Study that I came to know just how much Jesus was personally inviting me into relationship. During Eucharistic Adoration one night, I made the decision to finally let go of all my fears and barriers and gave Him my first “Yes” to relationship. Since then, the Lord has filled my life with so much joy and blessings. I am truly a new creation and I now embrace my faith with genuine gratitude and a love for Christ I know will last forever.
My Mission
This year I have the privilege to serve as a campus missionary at Saint Mary’s University and return to Halifax, the city where I first went on mission last year. From my own time as a student, I know all too well the world many students experience as their day to day life. I also know how first hearing the Gospel clearly and simply can completely change this day to day life for the absolute better. I look forward to accompanying students as we journey together towards relationship with Jesus. I cannot wait to see how the Lord will touch hearts, change lives, and yield fruit on the east coast!
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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