My Story

I invited Jesus to be at the center of my life when I first encountered Him personally as a university student in October 2016. Earlier that day, I met with a CCO missionary from my campus, Simon Fraser University. I asked him how he prayed. He explained to me that he liked to think of praying as if he was on a date. He would light a candle in his room and share vulnerably. I was intrigued to try that. So after my classes finished that day, I went in my room, turned on my lamp and lit a candle. For the first time ever, I shared my heart to Jesus openly. I told Him about my day, my joys and my struggles. And for the first time ever, I felt His presence. He was in front of me, gazing at me with love and carrying my burdens. He saw me, He heard me, and He loved me for me. It was the first time I’d ever let someone that deeply into my life, someone who truly knows me. From then on, it was like I gained the BEST FRIEND in the world. A friend who perfectly understood me. I didn’t have to explain very much to Him. He just knew. After that, I was on fire for the Lord and for the Mission. I wanted to tell everyone about Him!


My Mission

Three years after my encounter with Jesus, I started working as a full-time missionary with CCO in the Human Resources department. It is my joy and honor to minister towards my fellow missionaries in this way, especially since I graduated with a degree in Human Resources at Simon Fraser University. My mission is to lead the way in caring for each CCO missionary, at every stage of their employment with CCO, to make them more fruitful in proclaiming Jesus and to raise up leaders for the renewal of the world.

Help Mariel Make Jesus Known

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