My Story
I had never really given God much thought until I was 16. It was a friend of mine who invited me to a Catholic retreat weekend where I was introduced to Jesus in a way that I understood for the first time—that He was my God, that He died for me, and that He was offering me eternal life. Later that year, I made a decision to follow Him, and it changed every aspect of my life. He gave me purpose and joy. All I desired to do was to help bring others to encounter Jesus the way I had. Then, in my time at St. FX University, I was introduced to CCO, and I realized there was a movement doing exactly what I desired to do—reaching out to fellow young people to invite them to Jesus!
My Mission
In order to reach students at more Canadian universities, the CCO Connect program works with students, campus ministers, and chaplains on campuses where we do not have full-time CCO missionaries. I have the privilege of overseeing this program as the CCO Connect Manager. We are accelerating our reach through this weekly online coaching program that trains CCO’s tools, skills, and philosophy. I love my job because through it I see more souls, more campuses, and more leaders being formed in order to renew the world for Christ!
Help Michelle Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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