My Story
I grew up surrounded by a loving Catholic family and friends who helped me grow in life and faith. I was blessed to have parents who desire to grow in their faith. Their perseverance to hold steady onto their faith coupled with their fight to give my sisters and I a better life in Canada left a lasting impression that would be important to my journey as a man and as a son of God. I had a great example of people of faith and also stewards to those that were entrusted to them.
As a university student, I did not rebel against my faith nor did I particularly dive into it. I participated where it was comfortable and did what was required. My relationship with Christ was a routine, a chore, a checklist.
Encountering CCO opened up my life and my heart to experience the fullness of the love of God. I was introduced to the promises of Christ, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the loving guidance of the Father. I was introduced to Christ’s mission and the responsibility every one of us has in it.
Now, I too am striving to fully live out my life as a son of the Father, to live out the mission of the Son, and with the Holy Spirit, I go out into the world to be a steward and make disciples of all nations.
I will be working in the Stewardship and Development department at the head office in Ottawa. I am excited to reach out to all the mission’s supporters and campus staff so that we may change the lives of thousands of university students.
Pray for the mission that Jesus has entrusted in our care, and that I may be faithful to it.
Help Miguel Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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