My Story
Hello, my name is Mona Sweeney. I am a daughter, wife, singer, songwriter, but most of all, I am a child of God, worthy of His love. I am blessed to be born into a loving Catholic family that consistently attended Sunday mass services and was active in a Catholic Family Ministry. By the end of my senior year at a Catholic high school, I would have considered Jesus to be an undeserved friend – someone I could turn to in shameful desperation and never as a God who truly loved me at my worst. In the first semester of my first year, I stopped seeking vital support available to me as a Catholic such as going to confession and receiving the Eucharist. I felt numb, completely desensitized from making choices I knew were directly opposed to my faith.
That same semester, I attended the Fall Retreat hosted by CCO that changed my life forever. Through the talks, it became increasingly clear to me that unworthiness was a huge wound in my side that was being fed by my own vices. This wound caused me to doubt Jesus’ ability and desire to forgive me for the poor choices I made against Him and His church. I felt Jesus’ presence in such a real and tangible way during a night of adoration and prayer. I sat on the floor of the chapel, sobbing as I hugged my legs close to my chest when suddenly, I felt arms hook under my knees and behind my back. It was Jesus taking me into His arms and holding me like a lost lamb. I made the decision to invite Him to be at the center of my life and even went to confession for the first time in months. I am in no way a perfect Christian, however, I do not hesitate to return to the arms of the Good Shepherd when I do make poor decisions.
My Mission
As a Campus Missionary, it is my greatest joy accompanying students in their relationship with Christ and to missionary conversion. The Holy Spirit inspires me to have serious, intentional conversations with students that lead to invitations to a personal relationship with Jesus. Because of CCO, I see the renewal of the world as a very achievable goal within my lifetime and I want to be at the frontlines of it.
For the health of my family, friends, and parish priest.
Help Mona Make Jesus Known
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