My Story
Growing up I always knew that God loved me, but this love never felt personal, this love was not enough for me to make me want to live my life for Him. In high school, I separated myself more from God because I began to believe the lie that He did not know me or love me. However, in going on a weekend retreat my heart was softened to the idea of a unique and personal love that God has for me through the testimony of the speakers. I had a powerful encounter with Jesus during Eucharistic Adoration and I left wanting to live my life for Him and with Him.
My Mission
Being a leader on campus at the University of Ottawa ignited a fire in my heart for the world to know Jesus. The greatest gift has been seeing so many women’s hearts be transformed by the Gospel through faith studies and personal accompaniment. I fell in love with the mission and can’t see myself doing anything else. I am so grateful that I can do what I loved to do as a student, but now, I can do it as a missionary with CCO.
Help Natalie Make Jesus Known
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