My Story

I have been married to my wonderful husband for 19 years, and have 1 son and 5 daughters. I was blessed to be raised in a church-going Catholic family, and when I moved away from home, I got involved with CCO which ultimately brought me to make an adult decision to commit to my faith in Jesus Christ and his Church.

Being on staff, I currently help the Communications team. I am pleased to be able to share with supporters a glimpse into the campuses that CCO reaches out to. I think it brings so much hope to the readers when they hear of lives changes through the work of the Holy Spirit!

Well, really, the people in my circle are my kids!! I think that being around the CCO campus missionaries and the CCO students have a wonderful impact on my kids. They see people who are genuine, they have fun without getting drunk, they don’t curse and swear, the ladies dress modestly, the men are honourable, my children hear things like “I’m discerning religious life”, and they see young people going on mission projects and joining CCO staff! It’s a whole different way of seeing young people that is in contrast to the secular culture. It gives my kids great models of the Catholic life as a young person.

I have been so encouraged and blessed by my fellow missionaries. Although I am mainly at home raising my children, I see the need and the call to reach out, not only to them, but to others (neighbours, kids’ friends and their parents, people at church) with the Good News. I also get to attend the great staff training, and other initiatives that CCO puts on, that help me continue to grow in my faith journey.


For continued wisdom in raising my own children, that they would grow in virtue and holiness, and that they, too, would one day make an adult decision for Christ. And, that I would continue to reach out to others in my circles of influence.

Help Renée Make Jesus Known

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