My Story
I was raised by loving Catholic parents in Zimbabwe. My childhood parish was vibrant and active, with a number of ongoing ministries and an engaging youth group. When I moved to Canada for university my faith grew weak, and I couldn’t find what I was looking for to fill the hole I obviously had in my heart. When I was starting to feel like I had no true purpose, a missionary on my campus inspired me to rediscover the true meaning of God’s love for me. I started reading the Bible, and I haven’t looked back since! Joy is what Jesus gave me, and I feel compelled to share this joy with others through my work with CCO.
My Mission
I experienced firsthand the positive impact of CCO’s commitment to proclaiming the gospel to university students while providing them with the tools they need to spread it to others in their social circles. God has given every one of us a portion of His kingdom to tend to, and mine is the students I will be journeying with at Concordia University in Montreal. I have the honour of sharing the gospel as a Campus Missionary and witnessing God transform lives in the same manner that He transformed mine. I can’t wait to get to know the students and fully experience Montreal’s French culture! Please offer up prayers for the missionaries on my team and the women I will be working with.
Help Tanatsa Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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